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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Get a Life!

Sue and I went to lunch today. I was expecting her and just about 12:30 she honked her horn one time. I came out and got in the car. We were backing out of our driveway when the crazy lady across the street and a few doors down came out to the sidewalk yelling and waving her hands above her head. I thought this will be interesting so I told Sue to back up so we could find out what was going on. I rolled down my windown and said "What seems to be the problem". She said "I am running a business from my home and I am talking on the phone to lawyers and important people and it sounds like the Bronx out here." She looked at Sue and said "Do you think you could get out of the car and ring the doorbell or use your telephone" Sue said "No, it's hot out there". I said "Oookay" and rolled up the window. This lady needs a life.

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