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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Wish I had time for a Party

8AM and Devy has finally gone off to college! A few minutes after she left I took Dallin to get allergy shots, then we dropped of his job applications, filled the car with gas, looked for Devs books, bought paper for his flyers, printed out a master for his flyers, went to get his flyers copied 750 times, drop Dal off at a new school year party at Alysoun's house, Drove by Sue's house to show her one of the flyers, she noticed an incorrect date, picked Dallin up from Alysoun's and took him to Mutual, told him of the incorrect date, printed up stickers to cover the mistake, cut out 750 stickers and placed them on the flyers, now it's time for bed at 11:58pm

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