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Saturday, July 18, 2009

We're All Going To Die

We're all going to die
Maybe just burn as stubble

Watch this:
Who will survive 2012.

Then you are going to need to watch this:
What You Ought To Know: We're all going to die.

Warning: I bet you'll get hooked and spend hours watching the rest of the WYOTK episodes!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wow, I haven't blogged in FOREVER. Well I've been busy! I was advised to watch this today and I just had to share it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thunder Bike

The Thunder Bike has been finished for over three weeks. I think Dallin spent most of his spare time working on it. It's a single speed (whatever that means). He enjoyed planning, building, and painting it.

Unfortunately stomach flu has hit. Tanner started it off about 11pm last night. The poor thing kept it up all night long. About an hour ago I started feeling a little queasy so we'll see. I hope not though because Devy drank from my cup this morning. She is off on vacation and that would be a HORRIBLE vacation.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008


Freebies! I love them. There are so many neat and talented people who are willing to share. I have been collecting kits (some bought through online stores and some from freebie kits).

I needed a new way to find the digital papers and elements I want to use. Opening and looking through folder after folder just wasn't cutting it for me. Picasa works but I still had to search through each paper and element in a kit.

So... I am making a 6 x 4 inch swatch for each kit. Some kits have a preview page so I just use that page and add any credit information. I save each swatch to the same folder. Now when I open Picasa I can see each kit and its contents immediately! Click on the image to the left to see some of the swatches and their credits.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


The peer pressure is just too much. I wanted to make a cute scrappy layout to report on Hartford Connecticut but I am accosted at church, on the phone, in the grocery store, etc… by friends and family wondering when I will ever update. So I will just list what I know. It won’t be cute but it will be done. I guess a (almost) two month break from blogging is enough. (Why does real life take so much time and effort?) Gosh!

Hartford Connecticut:

About the Mission
Missionary work for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Connecticut began in 1832, with few converts. In 1838, Wilford Woodruff, future Church President, preached in his hometown of Farmington, Connecticut. He arranged to have a meeting with his family of nonmembers. "Filled with the power of God," Woodruff later wrote, "I stood in the midst of the congregation and preached unto the people in great plainness the gospel of Jesus Christ." Afterward, Woodruff baptized his father, stepmother, sister, and three others. A small congregation was organized in Farmington thereafter.
Church membership in Connecticut in 1930 was 198.
Connecticut's first meetinghouse was completed in Hartford in 1952.
Membership 14,189
Missions 1
Congregations 30
Family History Centers 11

Bike Mission?
This has been a question of great importance to Dal, he loves riding and even built a bike, “Thunder Bike”, over the last two months. The Vehicle Coordinator for the Connecticut Hartford Mission had this to say “Riding your bicycle will give you good exercise as you do your duty in serving the Lord.” (Letter from the Mission dated March 19, 2008). Now if they had included: “Eat peanut butter and pizza weekly for superior physical, emotional and spiritual strength”, he would be walking on air.

The Connecticut Hartford Mission Area
Click Here to read the information sent to Dallin about the mission area. It’s quite interesting. He will be knee deep in American History (P-Day?) which is also one of his great loves.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Hartford Connecticut

Dal has been called to the Connecticut Hartford Mission! He is elated and I am so relieved that he is stateside!

I am already finding out a little bit about Connecticut. I can't wait to write my blog report on it.