Sherry Tagged me so here it goes...
What is his name? Bob, Bobby, Bob Craig or Camp Bob (depending on how someone knows him).
I affectionately call him “Pajama Man”.
How long have you been married? It will be 25 years in September.
How long did you date? 6 months and almost 25 years.
Who eats more sweets? Me!
Who said “I love you first?” He did.
Who is taller? He is.
Who can sing better? Ha! I love to sing. He doesn’t. I get in trouble for singing in the
grocery store to the Musak. I have to bribe him to sing the hymns at church.
Neither of us can carry a tune.
Who is smarter? Bob is logical and can figure anything out.
Who does the laundry? He puts his socks and underwear away after I fold them.
I don’t mind the rest.
Who cooks dinner? He loves to “create” but out of necessity I still do most of the cooking.
Who pays the bills? I do. I can’t sleep at night if we have an unpaid bill.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He has for our entire marriage.
Who does the yard work? I spray the weeds each morning. He and the boys do the rest.
Who drives more? I think I do. He rides the bus to and from work most of the time.
Who is more stubborn? Hands down, and I don’t think he will argue with this, him.
Who kissed who first? …and then he kissed me.
Who asked who out first? He thinks he asked me out but I remember it differently.
My best friend set us up.
Who proposed? He proposed.
Who has more siblings? I do.
What is his name? Bob, Bobby, Bob Craig or Camp Bob (depending on how someone knows him).
I affectionately call him “Pajama Man”.
How long have you been married? It will be 25 years in September.
How long did you date? 6 months and almost 25 years.
Who eats more sweets? Me!
Who said “I love you first?” He did.
Who is taller? He is.
Who can sing better? Ha! I love to sing. He doesn’t. I get in trouble for singing in the
grocery store to the Musak. I have to bribe him to sing the hymns at church.
Neither of us can carry a tune.
Who is smarter? Bob is logical and can figure anything out.
Who does the laundry? He puts his socks and underwear away after I fold them.
I don’t mind the rest.
Who cooks dinner? He loves to “create” but out of necessity I still do most of the cooking.
Who pays the bills? I do. I can’t sleep at night if we have an unpaid bill.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He has for our entire marriage.
Who does the yard work? I spray the weeds each morning. He and the boys do the rest.
Who drives more? I think I do. He rides the bus to and from work most of the time.
Who is more stubborn? Hands down, and I don’t think he will argue with this, him.
Who kissed who first? …and then he kissed me.
Who asked who out first? He thinks he asked me out but I remember it differently.
My best friend set us up.
Who proposed? He proposed.
Who has more siblings? I do.
Cute post. I learned new things to hold over your head at family parties!
You learn something new every day. I love the sweet and funny things that are said in such silly sets of questions. Pajama Man? good call.
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